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For over 50 years TSC has developed and integrated products for the Federal Government, commercial, and international customers.

Our Government customers include the US Military Services, Defense Agencies, Federal Aviation Administration, as well as various international customers. TSC maintains offices in 11 locations nationwide.

TSC has the production facilities (ISO 9001 certified Production plant), experience, and capabilities to support your development needs and production requirements.

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Using arbitrary waveform generation and Direct-Digital Synthesis, our Exciters provide a great mix of performance based on phase noise, bandwidth, SFDR, size, and cost.



TestForge is a test management solution for designing and implementing tests for multiple Units Under Test (UUTs) over the life of a test bench. TestForge allows you to easily update obsolete hardware, modify test routines, and manage calibration requirements without recompiling the system.

SILAS – Battery and Power Test Systems

SILAS – Battery and Power Test Systems

TSC has extensive experience in the creation of battery & power test systems. This includes designing, building, and deploying full test solutions to simulate a wide variety of real-world scenarios. Through analysis of your key requirements we design systems to…

LabVIEW Test Solutions

LabVIEW Test Solutions

TSC is a National Instruments (NI) Alliance Member and has been developing LabVIEW solutions for over 15 years. On staff at our Indiana office we have two Certified LabVIEW Architects (CLA), a Certified LabVIEW Developer (CLD), and a NI Certified Professional Instructor (CPI). Through our strong relationships with NI technical staff we have extensive knowledge of NI hardware and software capabilities.

DIRCM Monitor System for ISTF Testing

DIRCM Monitor System for ISTF Testing

Test and evaluation (T&E) of Aircraft Survivability Equipment (ASE) missile warning and countermeasure systems is essential for verifying and optimizing ASE system performance. Specialized test equipment is required to evaluate the performance of ASE Directional Infrared Countermeasures (DIRCM) systems. DIRCM…

IR/UV Sensors and Solutions

IR/UV Sensors and Solutions

RealIR™ API for IR Sensor Simulation Technology Service Corporation (TSC) developed the RealIR™ application programming interface (API) to provide a toolkit for real-time sensor simulation developers. The RealIR API implements physics-based models for thermal IR sensor simulation, compatible with standard…

Hostile Fire Indicator (HFI) Test System

Hostile Fire Indicator (HFI) Test System

Missile warning systems currently under development by the United States military, such as the Joint and Allied Threat Awareness System (JATAS), are incorporating an additional warning requirement – that of hostile fire indication. Hostile fire includes small arms, rocket-propelled grenades,…

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