Electronically Steerable Array (ESA) Antennas
TSC offers KU- and KA-Band ESA antennas to meet your operational requirements. Our single tile AESA can be combined to form larger more powerful systems that meet full Ku-band requirements.

Ku-Band AESA Tile
- Low SWaP / Low-Cost
- Optimized for small radars
- 3.2 in squared, with 64 elements
- Full Ku-band AESA (16 tiles creating a 1,024 element array)
- 16 Tile AESA ( 32 x 32)
- Each Tile (8 x 8)
- Realized Tx Gain (32 x 32): 77.5dB
- ERP (32 x 32): 75.5dBm Realized Rx Gain (32 x 32): 74.3dB

KA-Band AESA Tile
- Meta-Material comprised of 5 Layers of Dielectric Superstrates
- Double Spiral Meta-Material (DSMM) Antenna Element
- Active VSWR < 3 for most of the frequency band from 18GHz to 40GHz (max VSWR: 3.4 in the entire range)
- Single Tile AESA ( 16 x 16)
- Architecture designed to drive 4 tiles
- Single Tile Peak ERP @ 35.5GHz: ~64dBm